How to conquer your fears

Do one thing every day that scares you ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Everybody feels fear. Fear of drowning, fear of financial loss, fear of public speaking - there are unlimited fears. The more desires, problems or attachments you have, the more you have fears. So you just can't run away from fears.

Then how can you conquer your fears ?
The answer is face it. If you fear of something, do that thing or bring that 'something' near you, embrace it. You will automatically conquer your fear.

This article explains some of the intersting facts about your fears and the exact way about how you can overcome them. To give you a better understanding, the steps are being followed by some examples.

1. Know your fears

Try to learn about your fears. When you know what kind of fear you have, you can deal with it accordingly.
There are specifically two types of fears -

a) Psychological fear : These fears are when you live on your mind, not in life. Fear of public speaking, fear of what will happen next, fear of getting laughed - these are all psychological fears. These fears are bad which stops us from growing, trying new things etc.

b) Physical fear : These are the fears where we loose something physical such as fear of drowning, fear of financial loss. Physical fears are good. We should have this kind of fears to make us more aware of things or situations and save us from physical loss.

2. Accept your fears

You can't be absolutely fearless. You need to accept and understand your fear whatever fear you have and then act accordingly. So don't run away from it. Accept it and face it.

3. Conquer your psychological fear

• free yourself from your beliefs. Put a question on whatever belief you have and let your beliefs go.

• Create a situation where you can practice your fears.

• Conquer fear slowly and gradually with small steps.

• Let others know that you fear. Pretend it more infront of others.

For example, let's say your psychological fear is public speaking.
First let your beliefs go that people will laugh, your legs will shake when you will stand in stage for the first time etc.
Next try to speak infront of few peoples, may be your friends, family, then some more people then some more.
Tell them that you are afraid. Don't try to pretend you're fearless rather if you let them know people will appreciate your courage.

4. Conquer your physical fear

• Understand the matter deeply. Find the consequences after doing, both good and bad.

• Plan according to those consequences.

• Gather as much knowledge as you can regarding that topic.

• Learn everything you need to know to do that thing.

In this case suppose your physical fear is loosing your money while starting a new business.
First understand the consequences. May be you will be a great businessman or may be your business model will fail.
Then plan accordingly. Keep both Plan A and Plan B, in case your  business model fails, what can you do with the remaining capital or stock  products.
Collect all the possible knowledge.  Ask questions to those people who has already tried the same business or done something similar.
Learn every other thing you will need while doing this business, may be online marketing  or email marketing etc.

You can’t hide forever from fear. It’s going to strike despite your best efforts to suppress it. For that you can learn to cope with fear so that it doesn’t stop you from living.


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